Why On Page SEO is Essential for a Website

Are you struggling with SEO on a Website? There are so many things to take care of, if you really want to see your web page on the top rank in Google. Like what should be the content length? What keywords can be used for achieving your target? Should I go for social sharing or not? Well, all these are very complicated but you don’t need to worry, here you will surely get the answer to all your questions.
Search Engine optimization plays an important role in optimizing the rate of conversions on your website and sales for your business. With the help of certain rules, you can improve the quality of your website by making it easily accessible and navigated. Such sorts of rules are fundamental and used by many website owners to improve and grab a significant amount of traffic towards their sites.  According to the search metrics ranking factors, content is considered as the king and hold the first place. For businesses, this can be measured as an investment as it benefits the webmaster at the end of the day. Most interestingly, it can also be used as a rocket launcher to put the limelight on your website efficiently.
Why to implement on page SEO on a website?
There are multiple reasons to improve SEO on your website. From last year, Google has set a variety of rules in order to score high in SEO ranking. And for achieving that you need to follow all these rules. Well, a good thing is you don’t need to implement those entire factors. All you have to do is On Page SEO and you will get an improved ranking of your website. This particular SEO is accountable for that part where different live page factors matter. If you will do this part of SEO carefully then you don’t have any problem further.
Now, let’s have a look at some fundamental concepts of On Page SEO
In simple words, On-Page SEO is that optimization technique which is performed on the web pages to improve website’s SEO ranking. Here are certain factors on which this particular form of SEO depends:
•        Include keywords in the first and last paragraph of your blog post
•        Keep the keyword density up to 1-2 %
•        Make use of keywords in subheadings and headings tags
•        Add keyword in the article title.
•        Appropriate links to your previous blogs posts
•        Add keywords in the alt tag of image
Without Ono Page SEO, your website cannot rank well in search engine results. Therefore, if you want to boost your search engine traffic, you need to upgrade On-page optimization.
If you are thinking to give a kick start to your On Page Optimization, then scroll through the following points.
SEO friendly URLs
First 3 to 5 words of a URL are preferred by Google so, keep it simple and concise. More importantly, include your target keyword in your URL. For On-Page SEO, title tag is considered as the essential factor, therefore; try to keep your target keyword close to the beginning of the title.
Use H1 tag for title
Using modifiers like “Elegant”, “100”, “Greatest” etc. can help you to rank your keyword high on the list. So, while setting a title, try to start it with a modifier and don’t forget to add Headline tag (H1 tag) in it. This will surely make a big difference in your website’s ranking.
Overpower with multimedia
Using multimedia options along with the text can give an appealing appearance to your website. So, try to add some engaging graphics in your posts. This will help in reducing the bounce rate of your site.
Responsive design
Since Google began punishing the use of unresponsive websites. So, there is no value in creating such websites. And, with the entry of AMP, Google has changed the trend, now your website must be responsive otherwise it will not be indexed.
Spread internal links

Have you ever noticed why Wikipedia always been in the top ranking on Google? Well, if you don’t know then let me you about it. This is because of internal links. So, you should also try out this particular strategy and include 2 to 5 links in each web page.   


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